
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
On Creation Part 3: On God’s Providence
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
What is providence? How does God act? What is his handywork and how does a transcendent God also be an intimate God? Is the world just ruled by fate or chance or is there something more? And what about freewill? Did God just create and then back off or is he an involved creator? If God is in charge, are we truly free?
In this episode of The Podechesis Podcast, Brett, Jim, and Allen discuss question 11 from John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, What are God’s works of providence? The guys talk about God’s nature, how he holds all thing in his grasp, and how human free will only comes by God’s providence. They also talk about how God’s providence is more than high theology meant for the ivory towers of academia. God’s providence is at the heart of his eternal nature and our created being.
Along the way, Allen confesses that he just wants a break, Jim admits that he may be a Cylon, and Brett finally gets a title for his book—and then Jim steals it. Oh, and cartoons. All three of the guys have a deep love for Saturday morning cartoons.
Special Halloween theme music produced by Andy Bowen (andybowen.com).
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review--especially on Apple.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com or by voicemail (404) 635-6679

Sunday Oct 04, 2020
On Creation Part 2: The Creation of Humanity
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
What does it mean that God created humanity? Why is important that God created Adam out of the dust of the earth and Eve from Adam’s rib? Why was it important for Adam to have a partner and what does that say about the role of close relationships and community in human existence? And what is the deal with being created in the image of God?
In this episode of The Podechesis Podcast, Brett, Jim, and Allen discuss question 10 from John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, how did God create Man? The guys talk about how understanding God’s creation of humanity impacts our relationships with each other, with the rest of creation, and with God himself. They also discuss how idea of sacred worth can influence how we think about tough subjects like capital punishment.
Along the way, Brett reminisces about the 8-bit classic video sports game, R. B. I. Baseball, Jim tries to defend himself from Brett and Allen’s attacks on his manhood, and Allen takes his rightful place as the soul of the podcast.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review--especially on Apple.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
On Creation Part 1: The Work of Creation
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
What does it mean that God created all things? What does it mean that God created out of nothing? Can one believe in a creator God and in science? Is there any real reason why one cannot hold to a biblical worldview and still believe in science? Did God create all things in seven days or is something else going on in Genesis 1 and 2?
In this episode of The Podechesis Podcast, Brett, Jim, and Allen discuss question 9 of John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, what is the work of creation? The guys will talk about the seven days of creation in Genesis 1, why a being good readers of the Bible can help us understand what the Bible is actually saying in the first chapter of Genesis, and how a belief in a creator God actually draws us to a life of worship.
Along the way, Jim will entice us with yet another snippet into meeting Patrick Stewart, Brett will admit that he has no idea how to use Instagram, and Allen will dream of fishing alongside of Bigfoot.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review--especially on Apple.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
What are the decrees of God? Do we have any say in our relationship with God or are we predestined from before the time of creation for salvation or damnation? Also, who is John Wesley? What is the Wesleyan way of doing theology and living the life of faith? Why is the Wesleyan way it important? Are Calvinist and Wesleyans so different or is there more that unites us than divides?
On this episode of The Podechesis Podcast, the guys are joined by Dr. Justus Hunter (see below for bio) to discuss John Wesley’s first revisions to the Shorter Catechism--questions 7 and 8: What are the decrees of God and How does God execute his decrees? The guys and Dr. Hunter also spend time talking about the new resource, The Absolute Basics of the Wesleyan Way (Seedbed) authored by Dr. Hunter and Dr. Philip Tallon of Houston Baptist University.
Along the way, Brett causes the guys to apologize to our listening audience within the first 10 minutes, Jim will rush past a story where he met Patrick Stewart, and Allen will attempt knock Jim down with unexpected results.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review--especially on Apple.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
On God: Part 3: On the Trinity
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
What is God’s nature like? If we, as Christians, worship only one God, then what is the deal God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit? Do we really worship one God or are there three God’s that demand our obedience? Or, does any of this really matter anyway? Can’t we just worship God no matter what his nature is like; besides, who am I to make a truth claim about God’s nature?
On this episode of the The Podechesis Podcast, Brett, Allen, and Jim discuss question 6 in John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, How many persons are there in the Godhead? The guys will talk about the Trinity, why the doctrine of the Triune God was formulated, and why it is important today. There will also be a great discussion on bible translations, the need for good English translations, and why the King James should not just be shelved to collect dust.
Along the way, Allen won’t talk UGA Football, Jim won’t talk Kale smoothies, and Brett won’t make 1980’s nostalgic references.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review--especially on Apple.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
On God: Part 2
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
So, how many gods are there really? Is it possible to worship more than one god if there is only one, true God? Many of us aren’t bowing before golden calves so we can’t be idolaters, correct? Is idolatry truly the sin of our age?
In this episode of The Podechesis Podcast, Allen, Jim and Brett talk about question 5 in John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “Are there more gods than one?” During this discussion, the boys will talk about what gods demand their worship, why worshipping the one, true, living God is not limiting; its life giving, and how following Jesus demands us to take a deep look at what truly has our hearts.
Along the way, Allen will confess that he has an altar in his office to UGA, Jim will try to convince us that M&Ms should be perfectly fine being used as communion wafers, and Brett will confess his love for dad jokes.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review--especially on Apple.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
On God: Part 1
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
What is God? Is God a figment of our imagination, construct of human pride, or an unknowable entity in control of all things? Who is God? With so many God’s throughout history is it possible to know who or what the right God is? And how does Morgan Freeman play into all this?
In this episode of The Podechesis Podcast, Brett, Jim, and Allen will discuss question number four of John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, What is God? Working under the assumption that God exist and is particularly knowable, as the Catechism does, the boys have a great discussion on how the Old and New testaments of the bible reveal who God is and how to know him.
Along the way, Brett gets made fun of for being 40 and not watching movies past 1989, Allen reveals what he would do with God powers (Hint: it’s a really good deal for Georgia sports), and Jim reveals for the first time his 90s Christian Alternative Band, Shifting Shadows.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review--especially on Apple.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com

Sunday Jul 12, 2020
The Bible: Part 2: Idolatry w/Special Guest Dr. Brian Russell
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Why is the Bible so important? Is it merely a collection of ancient narratives, poetry, and letters or is there something more? Is there a message that is threaded throughout the Bible that links Genesis to Revelation and all “books” in between? Is the Bible REALLY the word of God?
In this episode of The Podechesis Podcast, Brett, Jim, and Allen are joined by Dr. Brian Russell, Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Asbury Theological Seminary, to discuss the second questions of the Westminster Shorter Catechism--What do the Scriptures Principally Teach? They have a great discussion talking about all things scripture and why the Bible matters today.
Along the way, Brett will attempt to introduce Jim and Allen with bravado only to fall short, Jim will ONCE AGAIN attempt to talk kale smoothies, and Allen will try to defend Georgia sports from Brian’s continued onslaught (really, Brian beats up Georgia sports to make great spiritual insights).
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review--especially on Apple.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com

Sunday Jun 28, 2020
The Bible: Part 1
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
In the last episode of The Podechesis Podcast we had a great conversation about our purpose. We learned that we were created to glorify God and enjoy him forever. So, if that is our purpose, how are we to carry it out. How do we know how to do what we were created to do?
In this episode, Brett, Allen, and Jim talk about the second question in Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “What rule has God given to direct us how we may glorify him?” They will talk about the Bible and why it is important for Christians. They will share their love for the bible, share some of their favorite passages and stories, and give tips on how to study it.
Along the way, Jim will try to push kale smoothies (to no avail), Brett will tell a bad dad joke, and Allen will disparage the good name of Tim Tebow.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com

Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Humanity’s Purpose
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
In the second episode of The Podechesis Podcast Allen, Jim, and Brett have an important conversation about the first question in Wesley’s Revision of the Westminister Shorter Catechism, “What is the chief end of man?” They discuss the meaning of purpose, what it means to glorify God and to enjoy him, and they share their hearts in discussing why it matters that we understand what it is God designed us to do.
Along the way, you will hear which cereal is the best, Jim try to convince Brett and Allen to try kale smoothies (not happening!), and Allen and Jim break into song ever so briefly.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to get new episodes as soon as they are available and be sure to leave a 5-Star review.
You can follow The Podechesis Podcast at:
https://Podechesis.com where you can find links to your favorite podcast app, important episode notes and posts about subject matter talked about in the episodes.
Twitter & Facebook: @podechesis
And contact the show at: questions@podechesis.com